Mr. Derrick Montgomery

Mr. Derrick Montgomery
Derrick Montgomery is a recently retired Senior Systems Administrator with the VA Office of the Inspector General. He is on the East Lake YMCA board supporting its Annual Y It Matters Campaign, which seeks to provide quality after-school care, summer learning programs, family-strengthening resources, and health and wellness services regardless of the ability to pay.
Prior to transitioning to the Information Technology field, for the first thirteen years of his career, Mr. Montgomery was a Clinical Audiologist at the Atlanta VA Medical Center, providing diagnosis and treatment of Veterans with hearing loss and balance disorders. He spent the next twentyA-two years with the Veterans Administration and the US Department of Agriculture, managing large-scale IT systems and ensuring government information systems remained protected from security threats.
Mr. Montgomery was also involved in IT systems acquisitions, rollouts, and cutovers to new systems. He holds two major IT certifications, including Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) and Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) from ISC2. ISC2 is the premier international body for certified security professionals.
Mr. Montgomery has a Bachelor of Arts in Speech-Language Pathology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and a Master of Arts in Audiology from the University of Kansas. He remains active with ISC2's Safe and Secure Online Program, sharing his knowledge with children and parents on how to stay safe while on the Internet/Social Media. Mr. Montgomery resides in Atlanta with his wife and two teenage sons. In his free time, he gets his sons out on the golf course, works out, and is working on relearning French taken in college.