Rev. Dr. Japhat Z. Ndemera
Pastor of Pilgrims Community Church and Christian Fellowship International,
Fayetteville, Georgia

Rev. Dr. Japhat Z. Ndemera
The Rev. Dr. Japhat Z Ndemera was born in Zimbabwe to the late Rev. J.Z. Ndemera and Mrs. Josephine Dube-Ndemera. At an early age, he became actively involved in the African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.) Church. In 1988, he became the A.M.E. Church’s Youth President of Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Malawi, where he traveled extensively in the region. In 1992, he accepted his call into the ministry. He was ordained an elder in 1996 in Jacksonville, Florida. Since then, he has served churches in Florida and Georgia as the Assistant Pastor.
In November 1999, he founded Pilgrims Community Church in Atlanta, GA. The name emanated from Heb.11: 13b-16: “They confessed that they were strangers and Pilgrims on earth…Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God; indeed, he has prepared a city for them”. Over the years, Pilgrims has grown in grace and favor with God. In line with Pastor Ndemera’s vision, the church has become a place of restoration, renewal, and revival for the innumerable pilgrims who have joined the church over the years. It is also home to Africans from various countries as an interdenominational church. Pilgrims is our home away from home, our American home.
Pastor Ndemera holds several degrees: a Doctor of Ministry degree (2003) from Interdenominational Theological Center—Atlanta, Ga.; a Master of Divinity degree (1998) from Interdenominational Theological Center—Atlanta, Ga.; and a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Computer Information Systems (1994) from Edward Waters College, Jacksonville, Fl. He is married to Marvis. They are the parents of Siyayi Lennette (Georgia State, December graduate) and Tungamirayi Ishmael (United States Air Force).