Rev. Ronald S. Bonner

Rev. Ronald S. Bonner
Ronald Bonner is the Associate Pastor for Community Engagement and Diversity and Justice Ministries at the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, in Midtown Atlanta. Ronald is also the author of No Bigotry Allowed, a book helping those seeking to become anti-racist, and The Seat, a short story looking at internalized confusion and police misconduct.
Before his current role, Ronald served as an Assistant to the Bishop of the Southeastern Synod of the Evangelical Church in America and Pastor of the Lutheran Church of the Atonement. He also served as the Manager for Multicultural Resources for Augsburg Fortress Publishers. There he had a 400% increase in sales revenue. Ronald's first call to Ordained Ministry was in 1996. He served as the Assistant to the President of the United Church of Christ for Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity. Besides organizing a march protesting anti-affirmative action legislation, he increased the number of professional managers of color. Ronald also worked in Corporate America as a National Account executive and Marketing Executive for AT&T and IBM.
Ronald brings a unique perspective from his business and religious background that affirms his convictions of justice and inclusion. One of his favorite quotes is from Eleanor Roosevelt: “We gain strength and courage, and confidence by each experience…we must do that which we think we cannot.
Ronald is the father of two adult sons, 5 adult grandchildren, one great-grandson. He lives in Atlanta, GA, with his wife, the Rev. Dr. Rosetta Ross.